Neuter- Pot Bellied Pig

2021-05-26T19:59:52-07:00April 27th, 2020|Pot Bellied Pigs|

At the Long Beach Animal Hospital use of the laser is mandatory for all neuters, and the reason will be obvious when you read this page. Sometimes people get a jaded mindset when it comes to routine surgeries like neuters, that are performed by the thousands, especially at low cost spay and neuter clinics. It is a major surgery, and we treat it as such at the Long Beach Animal Hospital, which you will learn about in this page. One of the more interesting surgeries we perform is a pig neuter, know medically as an orchectomy. It has similarities to

Rabbit Spay

2021-05-26T19:51:52-07:00April 27th, 2020|Rabbit|

A common surgery performed on female rabbits is a spay. The medical term is an ovariohysterectomy (removal of ovaries and uterus), abbreviated as an OVH. This page will show actual spay surgeries, on a rabbit with a fluid filled uterus, on a rabbit with uterine cancer, and on a normal rabbit. To learn more about rabbits in general, visit the House Rabbit Society website. The following page contain graphic pictures of a rabbit spay. Diseased Uterus Rabbits get many uterine problems, all preventable if a rabbit is spayed early in life. The problems can be so serious as to be

Rabbit Skin Conditions

2021-05-26T19:50:45-07:00April 27th, 2020|Rabbit|

Rabbits are prone to skin conditions that can be difficult to control. Their skin is very thin and prone to trauma. They harbor a bacteria called Pasteurella than can complicate any infection they pick up. This page shows the case of a rabbit named Roger that has a serious skin infection due to a maggot infestation. You won't have to look at any maggots, but you will see a serious skin infection in the pictures that follow-these pictures are not suitable for all age groups. To learn more about rabbits in general, visit the House Rabbit Society website. Maggots are the

Rabbit Neuter by laser

2021-05-26T19:50:14-07:00April 27th, 2020|Rabbit|

Male rabbits are neutered for a variety of reasons. It helps minimize fighting behavior, makes it impossible to impregnate females, and prevents testicular cancer. In this page you will see detailed pictures and explanations on a rabbit neuter by laser. To learn more about rabbits in general, visit the House Rabbit Society website. At the Long Beach Animal Hospital use of the carbon dioxide laser is mandatory for all neuters.  Our rabbit patients appreciate the fact that after surgery there is negligible pain, swelling, and inflammation. This laser pain control, in addition to the pain injection we give before the

Pasteurella (snuffles) in rabbits

2021-05-26T19:49:43-07:00April 27th, 2020|Rabbit|

Pasteurella (snuffles) in rabbits is a common cause of respiratory disease in rabbits. Most rabbits are exposed to it and harbor the organism that causes it. In can become a chronic problem that is difficult to control. This disease and GI stasis are some of the more common problems we encounter in rabbits. Please also read our GI Stasis page also for an understanding of this problem and for proper diet for a rabbit. To learn more about rabbits in general, visit the House Rabbit Society website. This page contains graphic pictures of rabbits with severe infections- it might not be

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