29 04, 2020

Symptoms of Diseases

2021-05-14T17:45:07-07:00April 29th, 2020|Avian, Cats, Dogs, Ferret, Guinea Pig, Pot Bellied Pigs, Rabbit, Reptile, Tips|

It is sometimes difficult to determine if your pet is ill, especially since many pets have subtle signs of illness that they easily hide from owners. Here are 7 basic areas you should observe on a daily basis to help determine if your pet needs an exam by one of our doctors. If you have any doubt that your pet is ill you should not hesitate to seek veterinary care since animals like our domestic pets, and especially birds, are masters at hiding serious illness. You don't want to wait until your bird looks like this before bringing it in In addition

26 04, 2020

Kidney (Renal) Cancer

2021-05-27T06:23:14-07:00April 26th, 2020|Cats, Dogs|

It's not that often that we see a primary kidney cancer in a young pet. This page will show you how we diagnosed and treated it on a one year old Basenji. This story emphasizes how fast things change, and a pet that is perfectly healthy on a physical exam and blood panel, can change for the worse in a short period of time. If this owner had not brought this dog in for an exam this dog would have died. This is why Wellness Exams are recommended every year, and more often on senior pets. It also shows the

26 04, 2020

Disk Disease (IVD)

2021-05-27T06:23:49-07:00April 26th, 2020|Cats, Dogs, Rabbit|

Disk disease occurs in cats and dogs, with the occasion problem in other species. This dog pinched nerve problem is similar to what happens in us people. Since it occurs mostly in dogs, this page will emphasize disk disease in dogs, although the diagnosis and treatment of disk disk applies to cats and other species as well. A pinched nerve in dogs is similar to a pinched nerve in cats and other species. Even though it occurs more often in dogs, cats can get it also. This cat is getting laser therapy on its spine, you will learn more about

25 04, 2020

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

2021-04-18T10:13:17-07:00April 25th, 2020|Cats, Dogs|

IBD is an inflammatory condition of the stomach, small intestines, or large intestines (the gastrointestinal (GI) tract).  It is sometimes called Idiopathic IDB. The Idiopathic part means that the cause of the condition is unknown. IBD tends to be chronic in nature.  It is one of the most common conditions of the gastrointestinal tract diagnosed in pets, especially in cats. Despite its prevalence, it is one of the least understood conditions, especially regarding cause. Some pets respond well to treatment, others do not. Some cases of IBD involve the liver and pancreas. In this case there are 3 diseases occurring, and we

24 04, 2020


2020-04-24T22:34:31-07:00April 24th, 2020|Cats|

Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is a common hormone disease of older cats (it's rare in dogs) that we have diagnosed with increased frequency in recent years. It is almost always caused by a benign tumor of the thyroid gland that increases the amount of thyroxine (the hormone secreted by the thyroid gland) into the bloodstream. This increase in thyroxine causes an increase in the overall metabolism of the body, leading to problems for several internal organs. Even though this disease can be diagnosed in young cats, most cats that get this problem are older. Cats 8 years of age or older should be

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